4 Builds in progress?

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  • backwater2

    4 Builds in progress?

    This gun control debate has caught me at possibly the wrong time. I'm building a 28" range gun and have got three other builds going with son and son in laws. They all have their receivers purchased but are being built as we go. My range gun lacks the bcg and 6.5 barrel chambering and and target crown work on my Krieger. The other three are being gifted components one at a time. Thought that would be worth while gifts for the shooters in family. Now I'm wondering if they will get completed. Can't afford to buy all the 6.5 barrels and parts now, hoping parts will be available since i already have receivers to work with. Guess that will become more clear soon. Anyone with thoughts?
  • Taylormade

    I say you already have the key part being the receiver, the rest will always be available even with some sort of a ban


    • backwater2

      That's what i'm hoping will be the case after the dust settles so to speak.


      • #4
        Sounds like you need some build boxes!


        • Taylormade

          Yes those buildboxes would definitely be nice for multiple projects.

