Prepare for the worst,,,I fear its coming

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  • sneaky one
    • Mar 2011
    • 3077

    Just don't do anything- It wont amount to a nothing anyways. No way in hell the govt,. would try to take weapons away --- look at Germanys try in ww2.

    Only the wimps caved in. Stand your ground , no matter the cost. The Jews- Poland etc.,, had no clue what to do for self defense- lost souls- so sad,sad....

    We on the other scope of things, have a WAY better opp. to protect ourselves-- the 2nd Amend. THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. Plus NRA- etc. They have our backs ABAP.

    The ARMS were NEVER described then-, it was what was used during their time frame, duh- current weapon systems, May be different, Yet History has followed modern times- to modern military rifles adapted to civilian uses- aka- the modern day sporting rifle. Targets, varmints- deer- hog hunting, etc. Safe and effective self loading arms.

    Still the same idea,,, keep and bear arms to protect a ones family against govt. tyranny, etc. We trust no govt. why ? THEY don't trust us= perfect. We Shall Win, Stand and Fight.

    One bad sheep in the herd does not ever blame us for their strange behavior, why shoot at people,,, when there are so many friends to make out there?

    Thanks to this forum- I have friends in a many countries- I just had dinner with BFT last Wednesday in st paul mn... And chatted to Garry in New Zealand- Grr Maxx dude. Texted with Roe, LLFRRP 52- 6.5 gr ,,

    Friends abound. Don't go on a spree of death.

    We want nothing upon any deaths - worldwide. Cool down - planet .

    Forks don't make people fat, guns themselves don't kill anything. ANYTHING!!!!!! MENTAL HEALTH IS THE ISSUE, Here- Help the people that are lost !!!! Help them...
    Let's get farging real - to you whiney demo's . We'll vote you out ASAP. Bye Bye miss American - pie, phew.. !
    Last edited by sneaky one; 06-18-2016, 11:26 PM.


    • sneaky one
      • Mar 2011
      • 3077

      Hey worst case scenario- its the lower rec. that has the serial number upon it. Always have a few 80% lowers handy-- no touchy from batf.


        • Apr 2013
        • 629

        I Google'd "How to defend yourself against an armed terrorist?" Here's some of the results:

        Expert: Armed Citizens Last Line of Defense Against Lone Wolf Terror Attacks (;

        FL Sheriff: Armed Citizens First Line of Defense Against Terrorists (;

        Should You Consider Arming Yourself Against a Terrorist Attack in Seattle? (;

        Arm Yourself to Protect Against Mass Shootings, Some Sheriffs Telling Public (;

        Second NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Their Weapons (


        • Drift
          • Nov 2014
          • 509

          Preparing for the worst is (1) being the political scapegoat for the incoming administration-so you are the problem (2) having round the clock kit to protect yourself with when demonstrations against you turn violent after dark (Night vision gear).


          • dammitman
            • Dec 2012
            • 649

            for goodness sake folks when i say to prepare for the worst, all i mean is simply dont put off obtaining a few things you would anyways but sooner than later. be proactive not reactive. as i said things are plentiful and actually pretty cheap right now, stock up a little. during the last few years i never ran out of 22 ammo and trust me i shoot alot. i have generally made it a practice for many years to buy at least one box of ammo everytime i go into stores where its sold. maybe a bulk box, maybe a small box but get i get something. its how i roll, always have.


            • Drift
              • Nov 2014
              • 509

              Preparing for the worst means .... Having enough ammo so that during the last Clinton gun ban I had policemen friends buying .380 and .223 from me. Truly you cant prepare for everything, but you can read history books. The 30 year war is in many ways parallel to current geopolitical situation . Preparing for the worst means.. You can say "anything bad that can happen can happen to me". Preparing for the worst means.. you can buy a lot of real cool stuff. Preparing for the worst means .. looking 3-5 years into the future and playing "what if".


              • dammitman
                • Dec 2012
                • 649

                Im thinking a new barrel is in order, maybe 2


                • TomSawyerNW
                  • Nov 2015
                  • 225

                  I've completely given up on Trump...he keeps stepping on his $#!)(#$^. If ANYONE thinks gun purchases will continue as they are under the Clinton Regime, you better be thinking again. Look at CA, NJ CT and NY if you think life will continue as it is under someone like Clinton, and who will replace at least 1/2 Supreme Court judges.
                  If the Democrats had been in power when this country was founded, we'd be the British.


                  • Drift
                    • Nov 2014
                    • 509

                    Preparing for the worst means... no more European vacations for my family...until/unless they get the the situation over there under control.


                    • dammitman
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 649

                      dangnab its hot out here today in kentucky, so i am in the house preparing for the worse!!!! tumbling brass, sorting bullets and brass and loading. i was about out of funshooting grendel ammo anyways.


                      • oldbarnowl
                        • Mar 2015
                        • 64

                        Originally posted by sneaky one View Post
                        Hey worst case scenario- its the lower rec. that has the serial number upon it. Always have a few 80% lowers handy-- no touchy from batf.
                        California's governor just signed a bill making them illegal, unless registered. Others may follow.


                        • Grendelseeker
                          • Jul 2016
                          • 64

                          bit by bit one by one

                          California has set the mold. I left the state. First it was MSRs, then pistols with das Roster. Then the requirement for microstamping and all. Now it's ammo. It's funny, I know people who aren't really even into guns but got one given to them by their dad, a cop in the family, whomever, or bought them way back when. They contain outlawed things like mags over 10 rounds, and they aren't even concerned because they don't know how much trouble they could get in by having them. Some have probably misplaced them somewhere and don't even know they have them or that the mag holds more than 10. Nevertheless, they're now criminals. Period. Some think "Oh they'll never know I have one." Oh yea? Just wait until the day they have a valid reason to find them. And some of those people support Hillary because they don't feel threatened by her rhetoric because they don't see themselves as "gun nuts".

                          Guys, the way it's going to work is, they're not going to send squads to take pistols or MSRs away. They'll ban them, and people will keep them and become "outlaws". Then when the cops are called in because of a reported burglary, or the fire department arrives to put some flames down, or the EMT is called for a health issue, or someone gets in a fight at the house, and they search and they find one, they'll cart you off. So don't think you will be able to hang onto them safely. A lot of people became "outlaws" over the last 40 years using illicit substances and got used to the idea. But those burn up or get used up, or people got busted and went to prison. Now they're emptying the prison of drug offenders and they'll house MSR owners and > 10 round mag owners in their place.

                          The anti gun lobby will soon get the idea that all semi autos are dangerous, not just ones with detachable mags, pistol grips, collapsible stocks, short barrels, etc. So all center fire semi auto rifles will be banned. All pistols will be banned. Ammo will be sold only under tight controls. If you own anything of the sort, you will be doing so at your own peril.

                          I want to build a Grendel, but right now I'm wondering if it'll just be a liability. But some nut will go crazy with a bolt and they'll take those too. WTF??? I'm old, so maybe I won't do a build or maybe I'll just go down and they'll pry it from my stiff cold hands after I have a heart attack, de-feature it, and toss it in my coffin. LOL Sorry for you younger folk, robots will rule you and be doing most jobs in 20 years and resistance will be futile. (In 10 years there will be no people driving vehicles for a living, currently the largest sector of employment for men in our country. What, they'll all become scientists? Yeah, right.) It doesn't do any good to damage or destroy a robot, they'll just send another one. You will be assimilated, like it or not. T2 wasn't just a movie, it's already happening. Eventually something will probably fail, and it will be Mad Max Part III. The Dark Ages of the latter 21st or early 22nd century. But some humans will survive.

                          So, have a great day! ROTFLMAO


                          • oldbarnowl
                            • Mar 2015
                            • 64

                            Death of gun ownership, by a thousand cuts , is the plan...


                            • Grendelseeker
                              • Jul 2016
                              • 64

                              Originally posted by oldbarnowl View Post
                              Death of gun ownership, by a thousand cuts , is the plan...
                              My point exactly. Donate to the NRA today! $25 will do.


                              • 1075 tech
                                • Apr 2015
                                • 681

                                Originally posted by oldbarnowl View Post
                                California's governor just signed a bill making them illegal, unless registered. Others may follow.

                                This has already been proposed here in NY

