Repeal the 2A

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  • Klem
    • Aug 2013
    • 3518

    I don't know the point you are wanting to make by starting this thread but it couldn't be more opposite to the reason why this forum exists.


    • keystone183
      • Mar 2013
      • 590

      Judges really are worse than lawyers...

      Legal precedent really has to be one of the stupidest concepts the legal system ever invented.


      • bj139
        • Mar 2017
        • 1968

        Originally posted by Klem View Post
        I don't know the point you are wanting to make by starting this thread but it couldn't be more opposite to the reason why this forum exists.
        We have to know what we are fighting against.


        • grayfox
          • Jan 2017
          • 4328

          Actually to the left I say... go ahead, introduce an amendment to repeal the 2A... show your colors so everyone can identify you as being against the freedoms granted and our Constitution. Come out from behind your whining and phony arguments... act like the little Hitler's you really are!!!

          They won't be satisfied with only repealing 2A... they want to get rid of the entire Constitution, and set up a communist/socialist state with them in charge and everyone else slaves to the State.
          "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


          • stanc
            • Apr 2011
            • 3430

            Originally posted by Klem View Post
            I don't know the point you are wanting to make by starting this thread but it couldn't be more opposite to the reason why this forum exists.
            Was not trying to make any point. Was posting seemingly pertinent information, one of the reasons why this forum exists.


            • montana
              • Jun 2011
              • 3209

              "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to the Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes,

              Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment. The other method of passing an amendment requires a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States. That Convention can propose as many amendments as it deems necessary.

              Repealing the 2nd amendment would not be a very easy task to accomplish and I'm not too worried about it. The left is once again going to the extreme which will once again alienate the majority. This is a good thing since it will expose their true radical intentions, especially for the undecided. Like the antifa destroying public buildings, it will have a negative effect and drive possible supporters away. The worst thing the pro gun side could do is match radical statements with more radical statements. Expressing true gun knowledge and facts in a calm professional manner will have more effect for pro gun thinking than thousands of idiotic screaming fools.


              • stanc
                • Apr 2011
                • 3430

                Originally posted by montana View Post
                Repealing the 2nd amendment would not be a very easy task to accomplish and I'm not too worried about it.

                Originally posted by montana View Post
                The left is once again going to the extreme which will once again alienate the majority.
                Not sure why you think this proposal would alienate the majority. There are reportedly more Democrats and folks who lean left, than there are Republicans and right leaners.


                • montana
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 3209

                  Originally posted by stanc View Post

                  Not sure why you think this proposal would alienate the majority. There are reportedly more Democrats and folks who lean left, than there are Republicans and right leaners.
                  I watched many interviews given during the march for life and there were many people who hated assault rifles, "even though they couldn't accurately describe one" state they owned firearms and supported the 2nd amend. This is why we need people like Jerry Miculek and Julie Golob to be the face of gun owners instead of some 400lb militia dude holding a scary assault rife talking about Constitutional rights. The lefts extreme view of repealing and confiscating guns is their 400lb scary dude. Just my opinion.


                  • grayfox
                    • Jan 2017
                    • 4328

                    Montana I agree, I don't think it would get enough to be considered, let alone pass. I just would like the lefties to have to come out of their hiding place and declare how anti-Constitution and anti-USA they actually are, for all to see.
                    "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


                    • montana
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 3209

                      Originally posted by grayfox View Post
                      Montana I agree, I don't think it would get enough to be considered, let alone pass. I just would like the lefties to have to come out of their hiding place and declare how anti-Constitution and anti-USA they actually are, for all to see.
                      I may be getting old, but I think that is exactly what they are doing.


                      • Zeus
                        • Mar 2018
                        • 92

                        Repealing a constitutional amendment is darn near impossible. An issue such as the second amendment where, believe it or not, the majority in this country support wouldn't even be close. The ever growing list of restrictive laws that don't work will continue to expand but the amendment isn't going anywhere. A vocal minority can make as big a stink as they want.....but when it comes right down to it the support needed from our lawmakers isn't there. A 2/3 majority in both houses of congress is not gonna happen.

                        Of course that doesn't mean that we need to let down our guard. Whittling away our rights in round about sort of ways is what our government does best......fear mongering is an effective tool. For example the department of homeland security, we are so blinded in times of crisis that we allow our individual rights to be limited or taken away in the name of security.....all the while preventing them from doing what they were intended to do.....which unfortunately has been labeled with the derogatory term "racial profiling". The countries most successful at limiting chaos within their borders use this technique quite effectively.

                        This kind of nonsense is exactly what leads to all of the shortages of the last few years. People who don't understand how the system actually works go out and hoard all they can because they think that they'll never have access to the items being vilified.

                        Ok......rant off


                        • stanc
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 3430

                          Originally posted by Zeus View Post
                          Repealing a constitutional amendment is darn near impossible. An issue such as the second amendment where, believe it or not, the majority in this country support wouldn't even be close.
                          Repealing an amendment is certainly rather difficult, but far from impossible. It's been done before. The 21st amendment repealed the 18th.

                          And the 18th was the end result of protests and actions taken by very vocal, radical, and determined extremists much like those seen today.


                          • just_john
                            • Sep 2012
                            • 1570

                            Folks, don't sell their small numbers short. Always remember what Madalyn Murray O'hare accomplished, starting almost by herself. A voice of one, loud enough, can accomplish a lot. Now, how many of US are there? As I have stated before, just writing our congress-people is not enough. We must reach out to the folks around us and educate. And, yes, Montana is absolutely right - we have a serious image problem. We are perceived as "deliverance people" for those old enough to remember the movie. We must fix that! And we need to present ourselves in forums that are outside of our comfort zones, we need to go where "they" are and show that we aren't the bogeyman and our toys and tools aren't straight from the devil's workshop.


                            • Klem
                              • Aug 2013
                              • 3518

                              Originally posted by stanc View Post
                              Was not trying to make any point. Was posting seemingly pertinent information, one of the reasons why this forum exists.
                              Well, it's a hypothetical opinion which I don't share.

