I made it through the end of the world

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  • cory
    • Jun 2012
    • 2987

    Originally posted by Variable View Post
    Yeah no kidding! I came home after being gone for 5 hours and my house had been broken into.

    I'm so mad I can't even think. My gun room was still secure and we thought nothing had been stolen, then later we discovered that our firebox with ALL of our important documents (DD214, birth certificates, deeds, irreplaceable photos, ALL of my original form 4s and form 1s for my NFA weapons, etc., etc., etc......) had been taken. It's a pretty heavy box (probably 60+ pounds) that I specifically left unlocked. I figured any would be thief would at least open something that heavy, and upon doing so would discover it contained nothing of value--- like cash, precious metals, weapons, etc. Nope. They fracking took it anyway. They walked right past cash in the open, jewelry, a PVS-14 in an otterbox on my dresser, electronics like ipads, etc.... They only took the one thing that wouldn't be of any real value to them, and would cUse the most mayhem for me. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

    Back up all of your important documents by scanning them and burning them onto DVD and have copies on multiple thumb drives in multiple locations. I had ALL of the stuff to do that, and said I was going to, but got lazy and kept putting it off. Now the joke's on me....

    I guess for me the world really did end on paper. My life just disappeared.
    Man that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.

    It sounds like somebody came in after a specific item. Who have you pissed off lately?

    This is where a large dog roaming the house comes in handy. I recommend a boxer. I haven't had my house broken into since I started letting mine have free roam of the house.
    "Those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin


    • montana
      • Jun 2011
      • 3209

      Disgusting . The goblins always make an appearance now and then. I had my camper broken into last year when I was out of town working. My wife and daughter were home at the time and heard our 140 pound German Shepard going crazy at two in the morning. Who ever did it only broke a window and must have been politely persuaded to leave by my best friend. Dog's can be a good part of security. Having some piece of #@$% violate your home can make a person re-focus their security needs. I hope it all works out for you. Sorry this happened to you.


      • Taylormade

        Originally posted by Variable View Post
        Yeah no kidding! I came home after being gone for 5 hours and my house had been broken into.

        I'm so mad I can't even think. My gun room was still secure and we thought nothing had been stolen, then later we discovered that our firebox with ALL of our important documents (DD214, birth certificates, deeds, irreplaceable photos, ALL of my original form 4s and form 1s for my NFA weapons, etc., etc., etc......) had been taken. It's a pretty heavy box (probably 60+ pounds) that I specifically left unlocked. I figured any would be thief would at least open something that heavy, and upon doing so would discover it contained nothing of value--- like cash, precious metals, weapons, etc. Nope. They fracking took it anyway. They walked right past cash in the open, jewelry, a PVS-14 in an otterbox on my dresser, electronics like ipads, etc.... They only took the one thing that wouldn't be of any real value to them, and would cUse the most mayhem for me. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

        Back up all of your important documents by scanning them and burning them onto DVD and have copies on multiple thumb drives in multiple locations. I had ALL of the stuff to do that, and said I was going to, but got lazy and kept putting it off. Now the joke's on me....

        I guess for me the world really did end on paper. My life just disappeared.
        Man that really sucks, nothing makes you feel more violated than being robbed by some chicken shit coward that doesn't want to earn what they want. Instead taking from some hard working family. That's going to be a serious pain trying to replace paperwork, not to mention the pics you can't replace. Sorry man.


        • bwaites
          • Mar 2011
          • 4445

          He has a Doberman.

          I have two pitbulls. When I had a home invasion, the one we had at the time was in our bedroom, and never made a sound. I was in the shower, everyone else was asleep.

          While dogs MIGHT be a deterrent, you should not count on them as a guaranteed alarm system. Two other homes invaded the same morning as mine had large dogs as well; one ex-police German Shepard, one lab mix, neither of them alerted the owners either.

          Proper home security requires multiple layers, and I found out the hard way. Now I have two dogs, and interestingly the pair is much more alert and active than the single dog was. I also have a home security system, and a video monitor system is on the way as well.


          • #20
            If you make it past the 1st perimeter, and are able to successfully breach my home, you will wish you had chosen a softer target. Even by-passing the steel-frame doors will likely result in an unpleasant encounter with the metallic Venus fly traps, at which time the system introduces a certain component into the mix, which is so good, we don't need locks on our doors at all when we're gone.

            Let's just say it won't be a good idea to attempt to violate my home....
            Last edited by Guest; 12-22-2012, 07:43 PM.

