Intuit Anti Gun

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  • Intuit Anti Gun

    Intuit (quickbooks) has stopped processing payments for gun dealers. Looks like Rahm's push to target gun industry with banks is in full effect.

  • #2
    Any bank or business that wants to get out of one of the only industries experiencing year-after-year growth is welcome to send that business elsewhere.

    We'll have more apps that help us not spend our money with them, and I'm sure freedom-loving people would love to know where their bank stands on upholding the Constitution.


    • #3
      I cancelled by BOA cards a while back. Also changed banks to a local bank. I hope some pro second amendment baking groups pop up. Problem is they are the most regulated industry in existence and the current regime has regulatory authority over them. Cash becomes more important, but they are crashing the value of that also. Gold for guns? :-)


      • #4
        One suggestion I had for credit unions was to use ammunition as reserves. Also remember that most of your major national/international banks are the main profiteers of the illegal narcotics industry. For example, Wachovia was caught laundering $378.4 billion in Mexico alone, then paid a $50 million fine, with $110 million in forfeitures to the Federal Authorities. They were dissolved and bought by Warren Buffet's Wells Fargo.

        Guess what percent $160 million is out of $378.4 billion...


        That's right! It's not even anywhere near a percent. For it to have been 1%, it would have to be 3 billion, 784 million dollars. $160 million is .04%

        If Wachovia alone laundered $378.4 billion, how much does Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and HSBC launder? HSBC has been fined $1.9 billion for laundering drug money, but our criminal elite friend, Lanny Breuer of Fast & Furious fame, chose not to seek criminal prosecutions for HSBC:

        We need a clean financial group who will support the firearms freedom industry.
        Last edited by Guest; 01-29-2013, 03:56 AM.


        • #5
          "Most regulated industry"? Maybe in Iceland.

          Last edited by Guest; 01-29-2013, 05:44 AM.


          • #6
            I would stand behind that statement. It's just that the regulations favor certain institutions and individuals. That's why they are the most regulated, they have the biggest payoff to the polititians.


            • shotgun_wedding

              Looks like this is not new. Quick google search turned up this among others. The thread is dated from December 2010.


              • #8
                They must have a new push to expunge gun sellers, because quite a few just got the notice and their account was suspended recently.


                • COTNTOP
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 168

                  Deal with local banks and let them know how you feel. Delton is trying to expand with their own machines for milling and whatever. One of my high school friends is the bank manager and he is more than happy to help them. Where i come from we keep as much as possible in the hands of small businesses. Walmart is in one of the smallest buildings in town and the comissioners will not allow a super to be built.

