North Korea posturing, or is the balloon about to go up?

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  • bwaites
    • Mar 2011
    • 4445

    North Korea posturing, or is the balloon about to go up?

    Army command says it has been cleared to use nuclear weapons against the US.

  • #2
    China uses North Korea as a surrogate to achieve its long-term goals. Kim Jong-Un is in a position where internal strife and rumblings from high within the North Korean Communist State need to be quelled by focusing the energy outwards to try to unify the defunct nation. When I was stationed there in the late-1990's, they were eating afterbirth soup made from placentas, and there were even cases of infanticide cannibalism due to the extreme poverty caused by communism. We received this information from International Red Cross workers who were not Americans.

    People have smuggled cell phones into North Korea and video-recorded mass executions of farmers who didn't fulfill their Pyongyang-mandated quotas, even though the central planning system hasn't provided them with the necessary materials to turn a crop. It's the same old story of the collectives that Russia and the Ukraine suffered under during Lenin and Stalin, with mass-starvation used as a tool to control, in addition to Stalin's "enemy of the state" quotas, where they literally sent messages to the commissars in regions of the Soviet Union saying, "You have 7,000 enemies if the state in your district. Report back once they are eliminated." No names were given, just an arbitrary number.

    North Korea has remained intact barely all these years because of US, Japanese, and Chinese food aid to feed its destitute people, while Pyongyang puts on pony show malls and modern grocery stores for international visitors to see when they visit. Within a mile of where I was stationed, there is Propaganda Village, to show how wonderful life is in North Korea. A guy drives around in the morning, then evening, to turn on or off the lights as a pitiful attempt to make the place look inhabited. The buildings are external finish facades, with no residents to speak of.

    What this whole chain of recent events provides for China is an opportunity to yank the US around in the Pacific region, get us to spend more efforts and resources on National Defense, while we are on the brink of bankruptcy. It also allows them to G2 our responses, deployment of out most advances stealth and ABM technologies, while conducting a massive SIGINT & ELINT exercise against us.

    As the show appears to escalate, China can step in and be seen as the peace-maker who calmed it all down, elevating their already illegitimate most favored nation status to even higher levels of accolades in the international community. Since they own the White House, it also adds legitimacy to an illegitimate communist bastard child Hussein as their puppet, who appears to be strong on defense to the ignorant masses who can't find the Korean peninsula on an umarked globe anyway.

    It's really a perfect plan that has been in China's cards for decades. The shortsightedness of our population and government is leagues behind in this chess game. We haven't even cleaned the drool off our incomplete checkers game board. Thank you public school & Progressives!
    Last edited by Guest; 04-03-2013, 08:40 PM.


    • montana
      • Jun 2011
      • 3209

      Originally posted by bwaites View Post
      Army command says it has been cleared to use nuclear weapons against the US. According to this guy it is a vary dangerous situation, I hope he is wrong, my daughter is in Japan.


      • OLd Man
        • Mar 2012
        • 48

        I agree with 52. That little punk doesn't do anything his Chiness controlers won't allow. Be carefull that we don't end up with food shortages here, in the name of food safety. Farmers (except for grain) are being put through the ringer to weed out all but the largest by requirements to attain higher food safety than we have had in the past. This is going to come at a huge price to the consumer. Food from your garden would never pass since you don't have an active program for exclusion of all animals or continuous water testing ect.. I think that these new mega farms could be called collectives.


        • #5
          While the global economic crisis has changed our lives in the US, it has really put a crunch on other nations that are in the real poverty zone. When it comes to poverty, it's difficult to compete with a communist nation, because you have an economic system designed by a maggot-infested hippie who never worked a day in his life, and let 4 out of 7 of his own children starve to death while living in the slums of London at the expense of a family who made their money using the system he despised. If you model your nation's economic system after this dirtiest of dirtbags, you will see similar proportions of the population suffer the same fate Karl Marx's children did on London's East End, while the Engel's family foot the bill.

          Such is the case with North Korea. Just look at satellite imagery of the place compared to South Korea:

          With the economic downturn affecting 3rd world dirt-holes with food shortages, and the natural calamities that hit Japan, you have 2 of North Korea's main food suppliers forced to focus on internal domestic crises with regard to energy, finance, population, pensions, etc. This naturally would place North Korea on an even worse suckfest akin to the Engel's evicting hippie Marx and his family. One can only imagine the unrest going on in North Korea right now as the people look to this goon as "dear leader":

          China can't afford for North Korea to collapse under un's rule, but there is only so much they can do. He is also faced with the real impact of the global economy, and lashing out is the only card he's got really. If he were to play the nice guy and beg for more foreign aid openly, in exchange for putting away his nuclear toys, it would appear as weakness to his people and the regional powers, but more important is his image to the NORKs. It also is better for China because if the natural & inevitable collapse of North Korea were to occur now, China would be faced with hordes of untrained communist peasants with no skills to speak of, in an already extreme case of over-population in mainland China.

          North Korea has a population of over 24 million doomed souls who would jump ship as soon as the communist state failed. South Korea and Japan are in the same boat-the last thing they want is a bunch of dead beats pouring over their borders to flood their already excess labor markets. Saber-rattling is the only thing that makes sense for everyone in the region in that regard.
          Last edited by Guest; 04-04-2013, 03:43 AM.


          • #6
            Far be it from me to doubt anything from the lips of our solvent, competent, and benevolent government. They have never lied to us and never will.

                  On July 27, 1953, the Korean War ended. An uneasy armistice persists. The heavily fortified 2.5 mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separates North and South. Occasional incidents occur. Truman’s war never ended. Its origin was misreported. IF Stone’s Hidden History of the Korean War explained. Monthly Review co-founders Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy wrote in the preface: "This book….paints a very different picture of the Korean War – one, in fact, which is at variance with the official version at almost every point." Stone’s investigative research presented a "full-scale reassessment of the whole" war. French publisher Claude Bourdet … Continue reading →

            Last edited by Guest; 04-04-2013, 01:39 AM.


            • #7
              I spent some time over there back in the 80s with the 2ID. You'd be surprised how much stuff goes on all the time that never makes the news over here. Personally I believe that most of the North's blustering is for internal purposes. Little Kim needs to show his crotchety generals that he's tough, and he needs to impress the people so they'll support him. I seriously doubt that North Korea will actually try and start a full-scale war, but that's not the problem. All these threats are going to have both ROK and US forces along the DMZ wired so tight that it makes an accident much more likely, and with the North's numeric superiority the South Koreans are going to want to hit hard and deep. With today's military technology things are going to move so fast that it can get out of control very quickly and there will be no turning back until the job's done.
              Last edited by Guest; 04-04-2013, 04:02 AM.

