So what the hell went on in Santa Monica, anyway?

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  • TheOTHERmaninblack
    • Apr 2011
    • 156

    So what the hell went on in Santa Monica, anyway?

    Current reports have this guy toting around 1300 rounds of ammo! A little quick math tells me that-- if it was all 5.56 Tula like they show in the "arsenal" shot-- that's over forty pounds of ammunition!

    And his arsenal? Since when do the cops leave out ANYthing that might be a black mark? I've seen arsenal shots displaying Red Ryder BB guns! But this shot shows a replica Remington cap and ball revolver and an AR upper. No complete rifle, no shotgun. There IS a box for a blackpowder rifle, though what that means eludes me. Maybe they're not showing the shotgun because it's a caplock or flintlock?

    As for the 1300 rounds, they display what looks like around 120-130, depending on whether all of the Tula boxes are full or not, and how many rounds are in that baggie.

    My guess is that we're about to see a push to mandate licensing and serial numbering of uppers, limiting them to face-to-face purchases at FFL's. Since the barreled upper is the part you can't print or cobble together out of Walmart cutting boards in your garage, this seems like the plausible move to circumvent the possibility of citizens continuing to arm themselves in spite of the government.

    the 1300 round ammo count is just more "proof" that internet sales are bad, and just in time to catch the California Senate getting ready to vote on those prohibitive bills.

    How far off am I?

  • #2
    From some friends:

    Santa Monica shooter
    By David Hardy
    Tucson attorney
    Of Arms and the Law
    9 June 2013

    Clayton Cramer has interesting thoughts. Reports indicate that the
    shooter had (surprise!) serious mental health issues, which led to his
    commitment (unknown if it was voluntary or involuntary, but if the
    latter it's a bar to gun possession and should have flagged him).
    California has had an "assault weapon ban" since the year he was born,
    requires all sales to be after a background check since he was a
    toddler, and banned transfers of larger magazines since he was eleven.

    In short, he's an example of why (1) passing gun laws will not affect a
    murderous mental case and (2) why we really need to fix the mental
    health system.

    * David T. Hardy is a private attorney and has practiced law since 1975.
    A graduate of the University of Arizona Law School, he previously served
    as an attorney with the U.S. Department of the Interior in Washington,
    D.C., for ten years and now lives in Tucson, AZ, where he practices law.
    He is an ardent defender of the Second Amendment, as well as of the
    First Amendment.

    Read more:

    The Mass Murder at Santa Monica College
    By Clayton Cramer*
    Clayton Cramer's Blog
    June 9, 2013
    From June 9, 2013 CNN : Police had contact with the gunman in 2006, but because he was a juvenile then, authorities couldn't release fu...

    Police had contact with the gunman in 2006, but because he was a
    juvenile then, authorities couldn't release further information, Santa
    Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said.

    A law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation told
    CNN on Saturday that the gunman had suffered mental health issues. A few
    years ago, he was hospitalized for treatment after allegedly talking
    about harming someone, according to the official.

    It's not clear whether the state government or his family committed
    him for treatment or whether he committed himself. It's also unclear
    under what circumstances he was released.

    And yet California has had an assault weapon ban since 1989 (the year
    the shooter was born) and on transfers of high-capacity magazines since
    2000 (when the shooter was eleven years old). It has required all
    firearms transfers to be done through a background check since 1991
    (when the shooter was two) and it appears that the shooter had been
    committed at some point -- which is one of the things the California
    background check includes.

    * Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Increasingly,
    frustrated with how the greed of a small number of lawyers is making
    life unreasonable for ordinary people.


    • #3
      Here in NY the gubmint has taken swift and decisive action:
      1) De-fund the mental health facilities
      2) Prohibit the use of firearms by peaceable citizens

      Result: Gubmint sponsored slaughter zones. Now only Zombies have guns.


      • #4
        DSM-5, the latest psychiatric listing of official diagnoses, gives a clue to the problem with funding "mental health." Every opinion and every emotion that doesn't match government diktat is now psychopathologized.

        Notice how even on this forum dissent from official conspiracy theories or outright lies (sometimes the lies are even under oath*) is met with reflexive epithets—"nut cases," "tin foil hats," and the rest of the ritual epithets and magic "diagnoses."

        Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport Activist Post These days, we are witnessing an acceleration in the use of psychiatry to target Americans, to label them as...

        *Rep. Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of information at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?" [emphasis original]
        Gen. Clapper: "No."
        Last edited by Guest; 06-10-2013, 05:23 PM.


        • montana
          • Jun 2011
          • 3209

          Repeat after me ----- everything is just peachy,------ everything is just peachy. Feeling better now? No , back to the psychiatrist you go for more indoctrination,---- oops I mean psychological therapy.


          • #6
            Don't get me wrong.. I'm not at all a believer in the psycho-"sciences". I just find it a hilarious that even the libs are crying about how "we" need to "address" the "broken mental health system" because of all the kooks. And NY yanks the $ plug. But simultaneously, they blow a jillion bucks on gun "control".


            • #7
              Bow Shot, I didn't imagine you had succumbed to psycho-babble. I only intended to offer a "Be careful what you wish for" warning.

              Anyone lay odds that DSM-6 will have "gun owner disorder" that ensures every gun owner will have a convenient psychiatric diagnosis to disqualify them from gun ownership?

              Too many RKBA supporters are mouthing off about re-funding "mental health" (as if) without carefully thinking through the consequences of funding/empowering the shrinks and those who psychopathologize their political opponents.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nukes View Post
                ...Too many RKBA supporters are mouthing off about re-funding "mental health" (as if) without carefully thinking through the consequences of funding/empowering the shrinks and those who psychopathologize their political opponents.
                WAY too true. Not enough of us think about these 'gotchas.'

                Same thing for the consequences for a huge emphasis on the 2A without touching on the rest of the Bill of Rights. The entire document is what protects our liberties. Allowing everything but the 2A atrophy gives lots of back doors for implicit bans and eventual outright confiscation.


                • montana
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 3209

                  To the point and absolutely right, smart fellows on this forum.


                  • #10
                    "Too many RKBA supporters are mouthing off about re-funding "mental health" (as if) without carefully thinking through the consequences of funding/empowering the shrinks and those who psychopathologize their political opponents."

                    Aye...freaky scary, is it not?

