Oakland bans hammers and shields during protests.

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  • Oakland bans hammers and shields during protests.

    A proposal to ban hammers, wrenches, shields, sling shots, paint projectiles and other potentially destructive items at protests will be considered by the Oakland City Council at its meeting on Tuesday night.

    This may be a weird aspect of the 2A arguements, but do you have the right to use weapons in a protest? While these are not firearms, hammers and shields go back to the Middle Ages. A war hammer is far more effective against plate armor than a sword would be. The war hammer was an advancement of the battle axe (Vikings).

    Many leftwing and libertarian protestors are now going back to more Medieval weapons. Against a sheild wall (ie the police who use shields and clubs), it is good to also have shields and something to reach over the top to strike the opposition.

    So is the left now being "regressive"?

  • #2
    It's Oakland. I could see them banning the hammer and shield, but never the hammer and sickle.

