Gun rights lobby wields power

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  • Gun rights lobby wields power

    1. the author is upset that the recall in Colorado worked.

    2. he assumes that the gun lobby is mostly gun manufacturers. He cannot see that it is really a lot of people fighting for their rights. Is the pro choice movement mostly abortion doctors or is it feminists?

    3. Technology and laws do not fix much. If we limited civilians only to owning revolvers then we would see lots of cops being killed as the thugs go for the cops' guns. And we had a situation at Ft Bliss back in the 1980s were a group of gang bangers came on base to take guns from troops doing field exercises (maneuvers). Easy to take guns from soldiers with no ammo.

    4. In the final paragraph he hits on the real problem: we no longer have neighborhoods or family structure.

  • #2
    Colorado recalls were not about the "gun lobby", but grassroots.

